The Kartvelologist

The Kartvelologist” is a bilingual (Georgian and English) peer-reviewed, academic journal, covering all spheres of Kartvelological scholarship. Along with introducing scholarly novelties in Georgian Studies, it aims at popularization of essays of Georgian researchers on the international level and diffusion of foreign Kartvelological scholarship in Georgian scholarly circles.

“The Kartvelologist” issues both in printed and electronic form. In 1993-2009 it came out only in printed form (#1-15). The publisher is the “Centre for Kartvelian Studies” (TSU), financially supported by the “Fund of the Kartvelological School”. In 2011-2013 the journal is financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation.

Theological Meaning of the Paintings of Matskhvarishi Archangel’s Church


ghagThis article discusses the fresco paintings of Zemo Svaneti Latali Matskvarishi Church of the Archangels and their ideological-theological designation. In these paintings the iconography of the scenes of the Christological cycle, their compositional structure are noticeably complicated. The subjects are not arranged in either historical or chronological order and various iconographic schemes are employed. Concepts of the Resurrection and Sacrifice, which are presented in the sanctuary and the western wall decor, are further developed on the walls of the church. The scenes placed in different registers echo each other ideologically and make up the image of Christ’s glory in the arch. Specific sections present the scenes that are unified within a theological concept, related to each other in a semantic way that clearly shows deep theological thoughts distinguished by including different scenarios: annunciation, revelation, victim, resurrection and salvation of conceptual accents are distributed on the wall- arch. Announcement concerning the embodiment of the Lord, his wordly eminence (“Annunciation,” “Nativity”), manifestation of the divine nature of Christ Redeemer (“Candlemas,” “Transfiguration,” “The raising of Lazarus”, “Descent of the Holy Spirit,” “Dormition of the Mother of God”), sacrifice offered by him (“The crucifixion”), resurrection – arrival with glory, (“Resurrection”, “Christ of Old Days”) The above-mentioned ensemble of paintings is associated with the salvation of the soul and the concept of the resurrection.


keywords:Zemo Svaneti, Church, Mural painting, Iconography, Theological thought Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: Ketevan Gongadze

Analysis of two lines from “The Man in the Panther’s Skin” By Shota Rustveli against the background of its English translatedversions


Studying the text of the The Man in the Panther’s Skin by Shota Rustveli means the interpretation of its content to be as much adequate as possible. Alongside with scholarly analysis to understand the essence of the text, its translated version represents the fact of interpretation that requires critical analysis. Translations of “The Man in the Panther’s Skin” are mainly based on those academic findings and data, Rustvelology had achieved and obtained by the time of their renderings in English.

According to the first Rustvelologist – Vakhtang VI, there had been many attempts of either “translating” or clarifying the poem, i.e. providing its ethical-philosophic interpretation. Respectively, prior to reviewing the poem in renderings, it is of high significance to determinate those issues that Rustvelologists had been attempting to define and clarify by means of researches held for centuries. It is clear that definition of adequacy of one or another rendering of the poem is possible on the basis of determined significance or clarification of Georgian text only. 

The present article provides analysis of reflection of Neo-Platonism in the poem, based on one stanza only. Teaching of Neo-Platonism about the world unity meant identity of God and human being and acknowledgement of absence of Evil as the substance, representing the main idea of the text to be analyzed.

The lines containing above referenced content are given under the Stanza #1492 (according to the edition by A. Baramidze, K. Kekelidze and A. Shanidze, Tb. 1957) as that compared with all its translated English versions.


keywords:Divnos (Dionysius the Areopagite), Neo-Platonism, The Man in the Panther’s Skin, English translations of Rustvelis’ Poem Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: Salome Sanikidze

In the Wake of the Manuscripts of Bernarde of Naples


The paper deals with the history of the manuscript materials of Bernarde of Naples, a Capuchin monk on a mission to Georgia in 1670-1677. In particular, it has transpired that originally the materials were preserved in the library of the monastery of Capuchins, and on 7 February 1936 they were moved to the National Royal Library (at present National Library of Naples), where they are preserved to the present day, under the call number “XX. 122”. A study of the lists drawn up by various scholars in the 18th-20th centuries, has shown that in 1886-1936 one Georgian manuscript of Bernarde of Naples was lost, which contained the “Romance” or the Georgian Fairy Tale “Baama”, an earliest, forty-page fragment of the so-called chronicle of “One Hundred Years” of the “Zhamtaaghmtsereli”, and “A small poem “Reskariani”.


keywords:Bernarde of Naples, Georgian manuscript, the library of the monastery of Capuchins Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: გაგა შურღაია

The Path of "The Man in a Panther-Skin" to England and English Historical Sources


This paper examines the information emerging in the English historical literature and primary sources concerning the origin of Shah Abbas’ Georgian Christian wives, which has not yet been discussed in Georgian historical writing. Specifically, Eng­lish diplomat and traveller Sir Anthony Sherley, at the end of the 16th century, and Sir Thomas Herbert, an English attaché to Iran in the early 17th century, note in their books published in the 17th century that Abbas married the daughters of King Si­mon of Kartli and King Alexander of Kakheti (around the six­teenth and seventeenth centuries).

 English historical writings and sources indicate that the English diplomat Sir Anthony Sherley and his colleagues were assisted by the Christian wives of the Shah at the end of the 16th century. This statement reinforces the view that the story of the MPS known to a group of the early 17th-century English playwrights, and Shakespeare himself, became known through the cooperation of prominent ethnic Georgians, promoted at the Court of Abbas, with Sir Anthony Sherley.


keywords:The Man in a Panther-Skin, Thomas Herbert, English dramaturgy, Shah Abbas Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: ELGUJA KHINTIBIDZE

The Oldest Colchian Gold - Cultural background and International Context


The earliest golden items appeared on the territory of eastern Georgia during the 3rd millennium BC, in the so-called Early Barrows Culture; they continued until the Middle Bronze Age (mid-2nd millennium BC). After the Trialeti Great Barrows Culture period, almost no golden and silver items were found on the sites dating from the second half of the 2nd millennium to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. Objects dating after this gap, during the 8th-6th centuries BC, have been discovered in various types of archaeological sites of Colchis.

Tour paper aims to show the local and international cultural background based on which pre-classical Colchian goldsmithery was formed out.


keywords:Colchis, Trialeti Great Barrows Culture, Colchian GoldEarly Barrows Culture, Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: Nino Kobalia

Great nеws about the translation work of Euthymius the Athonite


This paper considers an article by the Danish Byzantinist Christian Høgel, “Euthymios the Athonite Greek-Georgian and Georgian-Greek translator and metaphrast?” The article reveals an essential innovation in Georgian studies: the discovery of the artistic style of Euthymius the Athonite as a Byzantine hagiographic writer; and an indication of his merits as an organizer of Byzantine church literature. The author of the paper Prof. Khintibidze puts forward new views on some problems of Barlaam-romance: Colophon of Iovane the Athonite; the date and reason for the creation of Barlaam-romance; on the identity of John (Ioane) - a monk of the monastery of St. Saba.


keywords:Euthymios the Athonite; Colophon of Iovane the Athonite; John (Ioane) of the lemma of Barlaam-romance; Christian Høgel Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: ELGUJA KHINTIBIDZE