The Kartvelologist The Kartvelologist” is a bilingual (Georgian and English) peer-reviewed, academic journal, covering all spheres of Kartvelological scholarship. Along with introducing scholarly novelties in Georgian Studies, it aims at popularization of essays of Georgian researchers on the international level and diffusion of foreign Kartvelological scholarship in Georgian scholarly circles. “The Kartvelologist” issues both in printed and electronic form. In 1993-2009 it came out only in printed form (#1-15). The publisher is the “Centre for Kartvelian Studies” (TSU), financially supported by the “Fund of the Kartvelological School”. In 2011-2013 the journal is financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. |
International Summer School in Kartvelian Studies
The 25-year experience of school performance demonstrates its unwavering popularity among educational circles. "International Summer School for Kartvelian Studies – 2019” operated for 5 weeks on the basis of theCenter for Kartvelian Studies in Tbilisi State University (July 7 - August 7). The project was presented and co-funded by the Fund for Kartvelian Studies with financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Fund for Kartvelian Studies itself. The program is multifunctional and includes various activities such as: everyday training sessions in Georgian language (4 academic hours) provided by two teachers with different methodological approaches; Daily individual trainings with assistants of the teachers (1 academic hour); Everyday lectures given by famous lecturers of various fields of Kartvelian Studies; Cultural programs such as visiting museums, galleries, exhibition halls and expeditions in various regions of Georgia. During the last 3 years, Georgian students have been involved in the program along with foreigners. This innovative step has proved important in terms of providing integration between TSU students and international educational centers as well as young foreign scholars. The prospective outcome ofThe International Summer School in Kartvelian/Georgian Studies will reflect itself in the progress of the Georgian culture and science. It is important since it promotes Georgian national science - Kartvelology abroad as well as promotes the integration of Georgian students with foreign scholarly circles interested in the field of Georgian Studies. The aim of the given project is to promote the field and attract youngsters interested in Kartvelian/Georgian Studies. Apart from attracting Georgian and foreign lecturers and encouraging cooperative participation of students in the program, which will enhance the exchange of information, the project intends to develop students’ scholarly skills, advance their knowledge, introduce students to recent scientific research and adapt them to high-rank scholarly circles. All this will promote cooperation and create the necessary background for further scientific activities. Thus, the aim of The International Summer School is not limited to the development of the scientific skills of future scholars, enhancement of their knowledge and creation of the background necessary for their future success. The long-term goal of the project is to direct the interest of young scholars towards Kartvelian Studies. This will be an intellectual investment of nation-wide significance. keywords:Seasonal School, Kartvelology, Georgian Studies, Summer School, Georgian Language Category: CHRONICLE OF EVENTS Authors: Anthony Anderson Analysis of two lines from “The Man in the Panther’s Skin” By Shota Rustveli against the background of its English translatedversions
Studying the text of the The Man in the Panther’s Skin by Shota Rustveli means the interpretation of its content to be as much adequate as possible. Alongside with scholarly analysis to understand the essence of the text, its translated version represents the fact of interpretation that requires critical analysis. Translations of “The Man in the Panther’s Skin” are mainly based on those academic findings and data, Rustvelology had achieved and obtained by the time of their renderings in English. According to the first Rustvelologist – Vakhtang VI, there had been many attempts of either “translating” or clarifying the poem, i.e. providing its ethical-philosophic interpretation. Respectively, prior to reviewing the poem in renderings, it is of high significance to determinate those issues that Rustvelologists had been attempting to define and clarify by means of researches held for centuries. It is clear that definition of adequacy of one or another rendering of the poem is possible on the basis of determined significance or clarification of Georgian text only. The present article provides analysis of reflection of Neo-Platonism in the poem, based on one stanza only. Teaching of Neo-Platonism about the world unity meant identity of God and human being and acknowledgement of absence of Evil as the substance, representing the main idea of the text to be analyzed. The lines containing above referenced content are given under the Stanza #1492 (according to the edition by A. Baramidze, K. Kekelidze and A. Shanidze, Tb. 1957) as that compared with all its translated English versions.
keywords:Divnos (Dionysius the Areopagite), Neo-Platonism, The Man in the Panther’s Skin, English translations of Rustvelis’ Poem Category: SCHOLARLY STUDIES Authors: Anthony Anderson On the Monograph “Medieval Georgian Romance The Man in a Panther-Skin and Shakespeare’s Late Plays” by Elguja Khintibidze
Shota Rustaveli has been for the Georgians what the Bible and Shakespeare have been for English-speaking nations: a source of quotations, proverbs and role-models. Now Elguja Khintibidze shows Rustaveli’s influence on English literature as well. Readers will find a fascinating case study of literary influence: an accidental meeting at the court of the Persian king Abbas I between British diplomats and homesick Georgian ex-patriates introduced the British to Rustaveli’s poem. Additionally, Khintibidze provides us with analyses of plays by, e.g., Shakespeare and Beaumont & Fletcher that shed new light on Elizabethan tragicomedy. Highly recommended for English and Medieval scholars.
keywords:monograph, Rustaveli, Shakespeare Category: CHRONICLE OF EVENTS Authors: Anthony Anderson Medieval Georgian Romance "The Man in the Panther Skin” and Shakespeare’s Late Plays by Professor Elguja Khintibidze
Professor Elguja Khintibidze’s new book: Medieval Georgian Romance: “The Man in the Panther Skin” and Shakespeare’s Late Plays has just been translated into English (November 2018). It’s an amazing story and an extraordinary piece of research by the Professor who has spent the last 10 years or so working on it. His studies establish, for the first time, a fascinating connection between Elizabethan theatre and the great Georgian national 12th century epic. Based on the most rigorous textual analysis, he shows how remarkable similarities in theme, setting, plot, action and character – way beyond any mere coincidence of archetypes – demonstrate the clear influence of the Georgian epic upon both Shakespeare and Beaumont & Fletcher, particularly in Cymbeline, A King and No King and Philaster. The most intriguing question is: how did this happen? How could it have happened?
keywords:monograph, Rustaveli, Shakespeare Category: CHRONICLE OF EVENTS Authors: Anthony Anderson |
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